
Showing posts from 2012


Well, I finally got all the parts in for my new server. I am building the follow: MSI Mobo AMD LLano 2.7 GHZ Quad Core Processor 32GB of DDR3 RAM 64GB SSD - for the host OS 1 TB 7200RPM SATA drive for Virtual HDs 2 U Server Case 350 Watt PSU Well, I realize the BEST virtualization host software out there is VMWare's ESXi - unfortunately the 64-bit version is not free - so I have to pass. Microsoft's HyperV is free - but it doesn't like my hardware - couldn't find the network card. Citrix Xen wouldn't even load. So now I am about to install Fedora 16 XFCE and just use Virtual Box. I use Virtual Box on windows and runs great, so I am not concerned as long as I can Virtual Box to install. My Linux skills have really deteriorated since Windows 7 came out. I'll give an update once I get the server up and running!
Well, the project from hell is finally winding down. We've done a tremendous amount of code in just a few short(but felt very long!) weeks. I know more C++ now than ever - and actually gotten use to coding in C++. The only thing I come to realize is Microsoft's Visual C++ compiler leaves a lot to be desired. Anyone who has done a large project (well over 20K lines of code) in C++ is probably well to familiar with the requirement to clean before every compile and after a few hours, you have to delete the obj folder because it just won't clean anymore. Of course a daily reboot is required too. With .NET I'd have to reboot about once a month!!! Of course, we just heard the vendor is changing the product platform from Windows CE to Linux in the next firmware version, so I am looking forward to getting to use GNU gcc compiler! Oh well, hopefully things will get back to normal this week and I can actually spend sometime at home doing all the things I've been negle...

Crazy Time

Well, with the project from hell going on at work (working 7 days a week is getting old!), I at least came across something to help my eyes after hours and hours of coding. Studio Styles to the rescue! Check them out! It is a great place to get a Visual Studio Editor Templates. They support 2005, 2008 and 2010. I am sure 2011 support is just around the corner! I've personally gone with Son of Obsidian here. Its easy on the eyes and really helps keep the fatigue down.

Writing a Video Game

Well, I've always wanted to create a video game. The first time I ever wrote the famous Hello World, I was in the fourth grade. My parents had Santa deliver a Coleco Adam computer. Originally for my sister Nikki, but in few short weeks she tired of me wanting to be in her room to play on it - it was moved to my room. I don't think my parents realized just how much I would naturally take to computers. Yeah, we had an Atari 2600 that I had about worn out playing, but to their surprise I was printing and writing programs that printed things almost immediatly. I discovered magazines like Family Computing and Compute that would publish programs in pring and I'd tirelessly type them in and run them! I taught myself how to store data sequentially and create a program to catalog my 8 or 9 records. I create a program to print me a checklist for my baseball cards. I even wrote a little drawing program that I took to school and showed off to one of my teachers. Computers bec...

MS Outlook Tip of the Day

Well, if you are like my wife's employer - then you are using Outlook as an email client to Google's gmail system. Google offers wonderful email hosting solutions - Google Mail Hosting Also, Microsoft's Outlook works great with it(isn't that ironic!). However, my wife noticed she wouldn't get new email notifications for a while in outlook - but instantly via her web browser at After a little pokeing around, I found the setting she needed to change so she could get new email notifications within 1 minute. While in Outlook - press CTRL+ALT+S and this windows pops up. Change your "Schedule an automatic send/receive every" option to 1 minute and now Outlook will poll Gmail every minute - not every 30 minutes by default!

Never stop learning!

Well, I signed up for a night/weekend course the other day. If enough people sign up, I be taking a A+ Test Prep course. It has been a while since I was in the classroom on that side of the podium - but you can never stop learning and I am looking forward to getting hands on with hardware again! Even though I build my personal computers from parts (and the best place to get them is NewEgg ), I really haven't done much with hardware in a few years. Besides the occasional GPU upgrade, there really hasn't been a reason to upgrade anymore. I remember back in my college days upgrading almost every summer! Guess when your priority isn't to play the latest/greatest video game at max settings, you don't really push hardware! Well, hopefully class will be fun!